Abdul Hakim Lutfi

Abdul Hakim Lutfi
Abdul Hakim Lutfi
Abdul Hakim Lutfi

Abdul was born in Malang in 1963.
He has been interested in horticulture since 1979.
In 1990 he started seriously doing bonsai when he was in Jakarta.
Later on he opened a bonsai shop and in 2010 he opened a training centre bonsai in Centra Pluit bonsai.
He gives bonsai demonstrations and workshops in several bonsai activities organized by The Indonesian Bonsai Society.

Abdul was born in Malang in 1963.
He has been interested in horticulture since 1979.
In 1990 he started seriously doing bonsai when he was in Jakarta.
Later on he opened a bonsai shop and in 2010 he opened a training centre bonsai in Centra Pluit bonsai.
He gives bonsai demonstrations and workshops in several bonsai activities organized by The Indonesian Bonsai Society.

Abdul was born in Malang in 1963.
He has been interested in horticulture since 1979.
In 1990 he started seriously doing bonsai when he was in Jakarta.
Later on he opened a bonsai shop and in 2010 he opened a training centre bonsai in Centra Pluit bonsai.
He gives bonsai demonstrations and workshops in several bonsai activities organized by The Indonesian Bonsai Society.

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In the spotlight
"The Raft"-Casuarina-equisetifolia bonsai was elected as the runner up in World Bonsai Contest by The WBFF.

Born in Malang in 1963.
He has been interested in horticulture in 1979.
In 1990 he started seriously doing bonsai when he was in Jakarta.
Later on he opened a bonsai shop and in 2010 he opened a training centre bonsai in Centra Pluit bonsai.
He gives bonsai demonstrations and workshops in several bonsai activities done by The Indonesian Bonsai Society.
In 2007 he wrote a book on Adenium Bonsai.
He was invited to India in 2008 by the Indo Japanese Bonsai Group to give seminar, workshops and demonstrations in Mumbai and some other cities.
Now he is the vice chairman in Indonesian Bonsai Society Jakarta Chapter in charge on technical and development on bonsai.
His work The raft-Casuarina-equisetifolia bonsai was elected as the runner up in World Bonsai Contest by The WBFF.

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