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The 9th Guangzhou Int'l Flowers, Bonsai & Garden Exhibition 2017(GBGE 2017)
From Monday, March 13, 2017
To Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Hits : 818
Contact Mae Law

GBGE, the only professional flower exhibition in the south China!


As it is well know that Guangzhou is the largest flower consuming base in China ,fresh flower, broadleaf plants, prickly ball plants, potted landscape and saplings, etc , all are very popular by local people. More over, it also had long history of importing and exporting to other district and counties, like Haikou, Taiwan, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and so on.

As the only professional flower exhibition in the south China,Guangzhou Int'l Flowers, Bonsai & Garden Exhibition(GBGE), was born in Guangzhou and has been successfully held for 8 years. GBGE 2017, covering for 15,000 square meters, will continual held in Guangzhou International Sourcing Centre from 13th March to 15th March, 2017. There is no doubt that, with the sponsor by Guangdong Association of Landscape Architecture, GBGE 2017 will be a good platform for floral people to find business partners and share industry ideas!

Exhibitor Profile

Profile for exhibit includes bonsai, ornamental plant, flower, garden& landscape, landscape design, landscape& green design and construction, frame house, waterscape& fountain and road& patio lamp, green house equipment, gardening and patio products, etc.



China's flower industry is experiencing a rapid development?


As one of the countries in the world with richest resources in wild flowers and floriculture plants, China is renowned as the "Motherland of World's Horticulture". Currently, its flower growing acreage has reached 122,400 hectares with an annual production capacity of 2.7 billion fresh flowers and sales volume topping 54 billion yuan and exports hitting US$260 million. 


Jiang Zehui, chairwoman of the China Flower Association said that China's flower industry is experiencing a rapid development. With its national economy enjoying a fast growth, this will help flower industry to expand its domestic needs for flowers, and along with the readjustment in agricultural structure flower industry will get a great support. Furthermore, the development of China's western areas will also provide a wider area for flower growing, and China's pending for the WTO entry will be conducive to China's cooperation with its international counterparts in horticulture and learn advanced technologies. During the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, China's flower industry will witness a considerable development by way of scientific and technological innovation and introduction of a new system.



If you interesting to exhibiting or visiting, please contact us for registration.


Best Regards,


Mae Law 

Overseas Organizer of GBGE 2017

Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group

Add: Room202, Meijing Garden, No.318 of Chebei Road, Guangzhou, China

Tel: +86 20 29188711               

Fax: +86 20 82579220

Skype: mae_law

Whatsapp: +86 18825043797





Location Guangzhou, China