Tree of the Month Archive
01 december 2015 small

Buddleja saligna (False Olive)

Tobie Kleynhans, South Africa

This Buddleja saligna was collected from a farm in the Wilderness district, South Africa during October 2002. It was my fourth year of doing bonsai and most trees in our vicinity were seriously considered for collection. We managed to collect the tree with plenty of fine feeder roots and within a month after collection the tree was sprouting all over.
The first sprouts were loosely wired to give them some movement and positioned at a 30 degree angle to the trunk. The growth ends were all wired upwards to enhance exposure to sunlight and optimize growth. Note the length of the trunk in comparison to the base. A common mistake made by novice collectors! I was still not quite sure about the future form or style of the tree. Maybe a flat crown, umbrella shaped canopy or even a possible Pierneef style? JH Pierneef was a famous African painter well known for African landscape paintings. Styling by Tobie Kleynhans
Purchased False Olive January 2003
November 2008: html.
March 2007.
November 2011 Style: African Style
December 2015