Tree of the Month Archive

 35 1500

Premna obtusifolia

Min Hsuan Lo, BCI Director, Taiwan

Common name Headache Tree, False Elder
designed by Min Hsuan Lo, BCI Director, Taiwan
Slanting style
84 cm/ 33 inches
Container; Japanese



 About the tree

 This tree graces the cover of my book, Bonsai Journey: Lo Min Hsuan, Published in 2011.
This powerful tree is one of my most import bonsai in my career since 1995! In Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia it is prized as one of the favorite species for Bonsai. Some grow along the coast and some in mountainous areas. The coastal species (Premna obtusifolia) is most often used for Bonsai due to the unique texture of the trunk. It is especially prized for the natural jin and shari it often possesses as a result of natural forces. The bright and shiny green of the leaves and the dancing, twisted trunk offer a dynamic and elegant contrast.